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Miss Southeast Alabama
​All file names should start with the Division competing in - Miss or Teen. Example: Miss-Last Name-First Name-CSI
Follow the steps below to register for Miss Southeast Alabama​ (No fee to enter).
Send all documents to
​1. Complete ​Contestant Interview Fact Sheet and save as PDF.
Save as: Division-Last Name-First Name-FactSheet.
2. Write your Community Service Initiative Essay, sign/date, print, scan, save as a PDF.
Save as: Division-Last Name-First Name-CSI.
Sample CSI.
3. Complete Contestant Contract. Save as a PDF.​
Save as: ​Division-Last Name-First Name-MAO contract. Don't forget to initial every page where indicated.
4. Headshot/photo.
Save as: ​Division-Last Name-First Name-Headshot. Please make sure all photos are high resolution.
5. Talent music (mp3).
Save as: ​Division-Last Name-First Name-Music.
6. Fill out the talent/fitness form and save as a PDF.
Save as: Division-Last Name-First Name-TF
7. Birth certificate.
Save as: Division-Last Name-First Name-BC
8. Scan and save eligibility document:
Copy of Driver’s License or Lease if competing as a resident of Alabama
Copy of recent transcript if competing under student status
Proof of Employment if competing as a full-time worker in Alabama
Save as: Division-Last Name-First Name-(type of document)
9. Review, complete, and sign Miss Southeast Alabama Local Contract.
Save as PDF: Division-Last Name-First Name-Local Contract.
Send all documents above to
10. Print 7 copies of:
​Contestant Interview Fact Sheet
Community Service Initiative Essay
8x10 headshot / photo (on 8-1/2 x 11 copy paper)
Also include a No-Show Deposit Check of $50 made out to Stefanie East (Please put Miss Southeast AL in the Memo line). For those who do compete in the competition, your check will be returned at the end of the competition. Should you win another Miss Alabama preliminary after applying but before the competition, your check will be mailed back to you.
Mail all copies and check to:
Stefanie East
95 Kimberly Lane
Troy, AL 36079
To be postmarked by deadline date of November 16, 2024.
11. Sign-up online for Miss America Membership. This is a one time $39.99 fee for the entire 2024-2025 competition season (July 2024 - February 2025) regardless of the number of preliminaries in which you compete.
12. For the fitness competition, you will compete in red athletic attire - it can be whatever combination you choose, as long as it is red! While we encourage attire from Rebel Athletic, you can choose any red athletic gear for the prelim! You will need an outfit from Rebel Athletic for the Miss Alabama competition.
13. ​Set-up your Spotfund fundraising site for the American Heart Association. Each local contestant is required to raise $30 (per preliminary) by the date of the competition.
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